Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cooked some wisteria blossoms wrapped in eco dye project

These days my kitchen has turned into a chemistry lab but isn't that what all cooking involves? The focus has twisted about and that is the change. Rather than the kitchen, being so foodcentric it has become dyeingcentric.

Dyeing as in eco dyeing, sustainable and green in other words NOT THE COLOR but the process. It is fascinating to go back in time when plants were used as the base for so many incredible colors that have lasted centuries. This dyeing process is an ongoing lesson. Just imagine using urine to prepare or mordant cloth and wool to take the plant dye but it happened and in some cultures is still practiced today. This is just a very abbreviated introduction to what is going on in the 'kitchen' these days though I choose not to use urine because there are many other options that are environmentally friendly to prepare the fiber, thank goodness. Don't worry, pimento cheese, pepper jelly, tomato pies, and all the other things loved still are happening. The kitchen just has a twist and a new evolves.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Strangefolk Festival

Yes, I am going to do Strangefolk Festival outside of St. Louis on September 27 & 28 this year. It is a eclectic indie festival that features 150 artist/vendors and a wide range of unique items handmade and homemade. There are upcycled items, vintage items and more. It incorporates live music, hands-on activities for all ages and plenty of food. I will be there with scarfs and other accessories that incorporate eco-dyeing, wet felting, contact printing and more. Visit the official website at for all the details. Here's a nice video about last year's event.

Strange Folk Festival 2013 from Michelle Volansky on Vimeo.

Now, doesn't this look like pure fun?
Follow my instagram feed on the right for visual updates on the preparation for the festival.
Follow my etsy shop, EchoColors for new items available.
Go ahead and like the festival's Facebook page to get updates and see artist/vendors that will be at this year's festival - it's strangefolkfestival.
Last but not least, put it on your calendar! If you are within driving distance, this 9 year old event is not to be missed.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Southern Makers is coming back. Saturday, May 3, 2014. Save the date.

Southern Makers  is a one day event
in Montgomery, Alabama.  It is all about Alabama creativity, food, drink, live music - well, the list goes on.  Having been fortunate to attend last year's inauguration of this celebration I have to say this year's event should be on everyone's to-do list.  It is so well organized. The depth and diversity of exhibitors, tastings, talks, workshops from across the state last year was amazing - this year's lineup will make you want to get there early and stay late.  For details, tickets and to sign up (and you really should) for one of the numerous workshops that will be going on throughout the day go to  Southern Makers.   All proceeds go to E.A.T. South based in Montgomery and dedicated to education, sustainability and lifestyle.

Union Train Station, event venue

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pimento Cheese, 'Southern Pate', or Why I am not a vegan.

As someone who grew up spread between several southern states,my maternal grandparents were always within driving distance. Their anchor was (generations before me) Clayton County in lower Alabama. Food knowledge and food loving began there. I was never much of a carnivore even as a child so I was allowed to indulge and love all things dairy - especially cheese. Especially Pimento Cheese, well almost exclusively Pimento Cheese. It was easy to make, it was good and it made me happy. The first batch of pimento cheese I was ever allowed to make on my own cannot be recalled but I watched the process for years, standing at someone's coat tail waiting for a bite right off the spoon. Never mind the bread. Still the preferred way to indulge - pure and simple pimento cheese. Don't bother with bread, cracker, celery - just give me some pimento cheese, please and thank you.
SA's Kitchen Pimento Cheese - pure & simple:

8 oz hand grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 t vinegar
1/2 t dry mustard
8 - 10 oz pimientos, finely chopped
dollup of mayonnaise - just enough to bind the ingredients together - you be the judge

There is a preponderance of Pimento Cheese recipes floating around but I am a purist other than sometimes adding the occasional splash of bourbon and hot sauce.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl - cover and refrigerate just as long as you can stand it.

Factoids about Pimento Cheese:

  • Pimiento (Spanish for cherry red pepper)
  • Pimento (southern for same)
  • Pimiento dried = paprika
  • Pimiento Pepper grown in US - largest state producer is Georgia
  • Pimento Cheese Sandwich - white bread and pimento cheese served at Augusta, Georgia during the Masters, still

Ingredients list history:

  • Sunshine Pimentos, 1916, Griffin, Georgia
  • Piknik Mayonnaise, 1922, Brundidge, Alabama (still made in Alabama)
  • Hoop Cheese - black rind hoop cheese for Pimento Cheese (aged longer than red rind hoop cheese) a common type of firm pressed farmers cheese prevalent across the southern region and usually locally produced. Short shelf life life and sold by weight in many grocery stores and markets.

Want to read more about Pimento Cheese? The Southern Foodways Alliance published an excellent resource 2003 PIMENTO CHEESE INVITATIONAL
